S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency va ofera servicii profesionale de investigatii si supraveghere in Romania.
Ne adresam atat persoanelor fizice sau juridice cat si companiilor, birourilor de avocatura, persoane disparute, infidelitate, santaj, frauda.
Aflarea adevarului este cel mai important lucru pe care il putem face pentru dumneavoastra in asa fel incat sa castigati intotdeauna in favoarea dumeavoastra si a companiei cu ajutorul agentiei noastre profesioniste de detectivi particulari.
Activitatea detectivilor particulari angajati de catre S.P.I.A. nu poate fi contrara legii, sigurantei nationale, ordinii publice sau bunelor moravuri.
In exercitarea profesiei detectivii particulari angajati ai S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency cunosc si repecta principiile etice si standardele profesionale ale agentiei.
Suntem o echipa care dispune de metode si tehnologii de ultima generatie pentru descriptarea comportamentelor disimulate ale angajatilor, asociatilor sau partenerilor de afaceri.
Aflarea adevarului este posibila cu ajutorul nostru si asteptem sa ne contactati telefonic prin e-mail pentru a stabili o intalnire care va poate fi foarte benefica pentru dumneavoastra sau afacerea pe care o conduceti.
E-mail: office@spiadetectiv.ro
Telefon: +4 0770 394 204


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Private investigations and surveillance Agency in Romania the S.P.I.A. E-mail : office@spiadetectiv.ro Phone : +4 0770 394 204 Website : www.spiadetedetectiv.ro https://www.google.ro/#q=spia+secret+private+investigations+str.popescu+alexandru%5D At S.P.I.A. we have an expert team of multi disciplined private investigators that can help you discreetly with a number of services to get to the truth of a situation from surveillance services to gathering evidence, corporate investigations, matrimonial and relationship investigations to private security and everything in between: - the conduct and the public morality of a person - the solvency and the responsibleness if a physical or juridical person, a potential partner in business - missing person (from home) - the identification of a addresses - the social-economic condition of a person, of your employees and your future employees - the certain moral-ethical and social-juridical dysfunction in couple relations - the properties that are the object of civil or criminal litigations, alienated to the porpoise of horning the interests of a person in a trail - the guarantee of protection against hacking information from your private life or from the activity of economic agents who want to keep it secret - other situations of observing, following, supervisor and investigations related to the persons and properties. Our highly trained investigators and offer confidential advice whilst carrying out each operation with the maximum level of discreetness and professionalism throughout. If you will like a FREE CONSULTING with an operative to discuss our private investigators please do not hesitate to contact S.P.I.A. today !